Introducing Alliance Wakesurf

Sep 18, 2013

What up wakesurf world and community at large! I’m your new editor Josh Sleigh seen here with Chase Hazen at the recent 2013 Surf Expo show in Orlando, FL. Shocked, stoked, and a realization that we are not your usual wakesurf crew. Chase made it clear checking out the new site that he is pumped on what we are bringing to the table and to see this come about. In his words, “Our wakesurf culture has been at a loss and in need of a media source to step up and take the reigns to hype it up.”

Words from a World Wakesurfing Champ. Stoked! As for me as an editor, a surfer, a progressionist, and board shaper. I’ll make sure those words never fall on deaf ears. Not to mention social media has never been chewed up so fast, surfed, and spit out. Yet, we here at Alliance Wakesurf are ready to serve up a plate of sit down, surf it, read it, and indulge some more! Why? This is our reasoning. Due to the youths popular belief that progression is about going forward on a daily basis and not backwards. It’s the right thing to do, it’s all they want to do. Be progressive/chew up progression. And who’s gonna argue with that? Not me, not the industry. Boat manufactures and board builders alike made it clear that they are coming at it with a vengeance to bust this pumpkin wide open. The interest is high like the waves these boats are producing. Build the best and biggest wave is the new motto. It’s what I heard everywhere at Surf Expo from every marketing cat. They get it. We get it. The industry has come into its own and its just begun. Fresh, ready, youthful, inspiring engineers and shapers alike. New event formats, new tricks; you name it. The stoke to wakesurf and progress as a surfer has never been so fun. We as a surf society are at the furthest most point in time. So lets test our boundaries, lets break them, lets see where we can go with this fresh sport. I know I am looking to do some progressive surfing behind a boat and I hope you are too! At Alliance Wakesurf our job is to surf our brains out, write about it, document it, and share the stoke. Thank you for partying with us! Evolve or Dissolve. Welcome to the new Alliance Wakesurf chapter – JS


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